Sunday, August 25, 2019

Magazine: Monthly Hanada 2019/10

Monthly Hanada 2019/10 (Asuka Publishing)

Special Feature: Pathological South Korea
 Interview: Hiroshige Seko (Politician, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry) & Yoshiko Sakurai (Commentator)
 Tsutomu Nishioka, "Anti-Japan Japanese are supporting South Korea"
 Masahisa Sato (Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs), "Moon Jae In's remark is nonetheless rude"
 Lee Woo Yeong, "Anti-Japan sentiment will devastate South Korea"
 Joichiro Shinohara, "Scoop: Moon Jae In might be a member of Worker's Party of (North) Korea"
 Pyeon Hui Jae, "Letter from Moon Jae In's correctional camp"

Other articles:
 Takashi Tsutsumi & Hiroyuki Kubo, "Shinjiro Koizumi and Taro Yamamoto"
 Ichiro Matsui (Mayor of Osaka City*) and Naoki Hyakuta (Novelist, Shinzo Abe's close friend), "Osaka will be world's best city with Osaka 2025 Expo and Integrated Resort"
 Masashi Okuyama, "Interview with activists in Hong Kong"
 Eitaro Ogawa, "The truth of Shiori Ito**"
 Shigeharu Aoyama (parliament member belonging to Liberal Democratic Party), "Column: World is toppled"
 Masato Inui, "Taro Yamamoto and crisis of Liberal Democratic Party"
 Ryusho Monden, "'Exhibition of anti-freedom of Expression***' is hateful"

Notes by FooLJapan
* Osaka is the largest city outside of Tokyo Metropolitan Region in Japan.
** Shiori Ito is featured by BBC program "Japan's Secret Shame"
*** An exhibition collecting works which had been withdrawn due to political reason

[Magazine] Monthly Hanada 2020 Feb

Monthly Hanada 2020 February Issue [Prime Minister Abe answers the questions from people] Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, "I never yie...